
All the contents.


Welcome - Dobrodosli

This is a site about Jasikovo. You will find Jasikovo in the mountains of Homolje in Eastern Serbia, surrounded by deep green forests. You…

  • Ljubomir Ilic

Jasikovo Cemetery - Jasikovacko Groblje

This is the final album with all the pictures of the monument of the Jasikovac cemetery. Ovo je zavrsni album sa svim slikama spomenika…


Floriade Canberra 2015

The Spring Flower Festival is held every year in early October in Canberra. Festival proletnog cveca koji se odrzava svake godine pocetkom…


People Of Jasikovo In Old Photos - Jasikovcani U Starim Slikama

Here is another album with OLD pictures about Jasikov and the people of Jasikovci. My wish has always been to preserve the characters of our…


Leskovo Old Photos - Stare Slike Iz Sela Leskova

Pictures I copied from Dragi Jankovic a couple of years ago. Slike koje sam preslikao od Dragija Jankovica pre par godina. https://photos…


Viminacium Roman City And Military Camp I-VI Century Castolatz Serbia

Click on the link to open the album. Kliknite na link da biste otvorili album.…


Australia Off Road

Adventures in the Australian mountains with Srdjan, Sladjan, Salet and Deni!! Avanture po Australiskim planinama sa Srdjanom, Sladjanom…


Krupuje Veliki Buk Lisine 2013

Click on the link to open the album. Kliknite na link da biste otvorili album.…


Homoljsko Poselo Zagubica 2012

Homoljsko poselo u Zagubici, 30.06.2012.…


Jasikovo 2001 And 2002

Forgotten pictures from the winter period of 2001 and 2002. Zaboravljene slike iz zimskog perioda 2001 i 2002 godine.…


Jasikovo 2000

Jasikovo, May 2000, pictures that I then took with an analog-film camera. The first pictures of Jasikovo and the surroundings of Jasikovo…


Jasikovo 2005

Jasikovo 2005. My first pictures taken with a digital camera. Probably because of the nature of May and June, some are beautiful. Click on…


Spring Markets - Prolecni Vasari

Spring Markets and something for everyone. Prolecni Vasari a na vasar za svakog po nesto.…


Flying Above Serbia - Let Iznad Srbije

On a flight from Belgrade to Dubai. We flew east over Homolje. Na letu iz Beograda za Dubaj. Leteli smo na istok preko Homolja. https…


Black River Homolje - Kanjon Crne Reke 2013

Click on the link to open the album. Kliknite na link da biste otvorili album.…


Homolje Biger - 2013

Click on the link to open the album. Kliknite na link da biste otvorili album.…


Beli Zvorac - Landscapes Of Eastern Serbia - Lepote Istocne Srbije

Click on the link to open the album. Kliknite na link da biste otvorili album.…


River Jagnjilo Canyon - Kanjon Reke Jagnjilo

The beauties of the river Jagnila. Another album with pictures from our beautiful Homolje. This time, Gordan and Sasa, great nature lovers…


Greg Wheeler In Serbia - Jasikovo 2012

Greg visited Jasikovo / Serbia in July and August last year, he loves our landscapes, our customs, our people, pigs on a spit, brandy and…


Atomik In East Serbia - Jasikovo 2012

Click on the link to open the album. Kliknite na link da biste otvorili album.…


Atomik 4WD

A small vehicle with a lot of possibilities. Designed for hilly terrain. Malo vozilo sa dosta mogucnosti. Predvidjen za brdovite terene.


Vidovdan Council of Pensioners - Vidovdanski Sabor Penzionera

The Assembly of Pensioners of the Municipality of Majdanpek is being held in Jasikovo for the second time. I tried to paint enough photos…


Lipa 2011

Along the valley of the Lipa River to the Lipa Mine and beyond. Last year we planned to cross this route along the Lipa River. This summer…


Australia 2011

And in this distant land, I paint a lot of pictures every month. These are mostly paintings from the Canberra area. Have a look, there are…


In Memor Peter Pera Ilic

PERA ILIC left this world too soon. It remains for us to remember his character and his trumpet. PERA ILIC napustio je prerano ovaj svet…


Hunting At Black River - Lov U Crnoj Reci

Jasikovo, 11/07/2010. One day of walking in our mountains with Jasikovac hunters. The hunters were not very lucky in this hunt. However, in…


Fishing Competition - Lake Mulwala NSW Australia

Fishing competition. John is a big fan of fishing, and we work with him to taste our luck in fishing. The prizes were tempting…


Pe Sos La Petkonji

In order to feel the charm and beauty of our landscape, it is best to visit them and enjoy them. I offer you a couple of photos from a one…


Church Of The Holy Prophet Elijah In Jasikovo - Hram Sveti Prorok Ilija

Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah in Jasikovo. The church is still under construction and we believe that one day it will be completed. In…


Condobolin 2010

Three days in Condobolin visiting out friend Greg Wheeler. Tri dana u Condobolin. U poseti mom dragom prijatelju, Gregu Weeleru. https…


Irena And Jasmin Wedding - Vencanje Irene I Jasmina

Several photos from the wedding of IRENA and JASMINA Nikolajevic. You can see more photos from their wedding on Facebook - Jasmin…


River Jangnjilo Springs - Biger Izvor Reke Jagnjila

Curiosity to find out where the river Jagnilo springs, and in which areas it flows, led me to find out all this with a brave group of…


Sladjan Ilic - Jasikovo Holiday

After 15 years, Sladjan comes to his native Jasikovo, unfortunately only for a month. We can see on his face that he was very satisfied and…


Bacija Jasikovo - 4 Avgust 2010

HELLO !! After a long time, here we are again with you. We bring a lot of new pictures from our homeland. Welcome and feel free to take a…


Greetings From Jasikovo - Pozdrav Iz Jasikova

Greetings from Jasikovo. There will be more photos from the homeland soon !! Veliki pozdrav iz Jasikova. Uskoro bice jos fotosa iz zavicaja…


Its A Boy - Rodio Se Luka Ilic

LUKA ILIC, was born on 15.05.2010 in Canberra / Australia. Happy are Mama Tammara, Tata Srdjan, Babe Kay and Tanja, Dede Greg and Ljuba…


Aleksandar Aca Tauz

Welcome Alexander !! Aca is a regular visitor to the site and the first to respond to Jasikovcani in Beli Svet. Dobrodoso Aleksandre!! Aca…



Fireworks are held in Canberra a couple of times a year (color shooting, as our people say). Fireworks, or Fireworks to call it, was held on…


Pepople Of Jasikovo - Jasikovcani U Belom Svetu

Dear citizens of Jasikovo. From the very beginning of the Jasikovo site, I had the desire to show all the people of Jasikovo who are far…



Balloon Festival. Canberra is a city where colorful balloons can be seen in the sky every morning, most of them in March. Many decide to…


Clyde River

A short walk along the Clyde River. A few photos from this river, which flows into the Pacific. Kratka setnja Rekom Clyde.Nekoliko fotosa sa…


Mistubishi Triton Test Drive

I would like these to be pictures from our homeland, but I am not in that position at the moment. I am also trying to paint the nature and…


Cherry Festival In Young - Festival Tresnja

Australia is a country of great expanse. There are always interesting events that should be seen and recorded with a camera if possible. The…


Spring Show Canberra Australia - 25 October 2009

A few photos of the Spring Fair in Canberra. It is my pleasure to be able to show you a part of what is happening in faraway Australia this…


Wedding Tamara And Srdjan - Vencanje Tamare I Srdjana - 2 May 2009

Wedding Tamara and Srdjan, Canberra Australia.


Vidosav Jorgovanovic - Magic Flute - Magicna Frula


Felix Romuliana - Imperial Palace III-IV Century

The Romans once left a lot of traces in our region. Felix Romuliana is located next to Gamzigrad and is worth a visit and a look. For those…


Welcome To Condobolin - NSW Australia

Welcome to Condobolin. More pictures from Australia - Condobolin by Ljuba ILIC…


In Memory Milja Jovanovic - 20 Oct 2007

Baba Milja, as we have all called her here in recent years, passed away on October 14, 2007 in Canberra / Australia. This album is dedicated…


Ivan Holiday In Australia - Part 2

Ivan Djelic from Bor Serbia. A month of visiting relatives in Australia. Album no. 1, from April 25 to May 17, 2009. You can visit Ivana in…


Ivan Holiday In Australia - Part 1

Ivan Djelic from Bor Serbia. A month of visiting relatives in Australia. Album no. 1, from April 25 to May 17, 2009. You can visit Ivana in…


Jasikovo In October - Oktombar u Jasikovo 2008

October images arrive with a slight delay. I hope you will find a picture dear to you in this album as well. Octombar slike stizu sa malim…


Jasikovo In September - Septembar u Jasikovo 2008

September pictures from 2008. Some of the pictures from this month have already been uploaded earlier, check it out! Septembarske slike iz…


Jasikovo In August - Avgust u Jasikovo 2008

In August 2008, I took quite a few pictures in Jasikovo and the surrounding area. One part has already been posted on this site. Avgusta…


Australia 2009

For all those who want to get to know Australia and its landscapes. This is my attempt to show you what its landscapes really look like. Za…


Old Photos Of Jasikovo And People - Jasikovo I Jasikovcani U Starim Slikama

Old pictures about Jasikovo and people from Jasikovo. Stare slike o Jasikovu i Jasikovcanima. Jasikovcani, preslikajte svoje stare slike i…


Market Day In Homolje - Vasar u Homolju

Homoljski Vasar - Zagubica 2.08.2008. The Black Rock - 11.08.2008.


Ulladulla Holiday

Potajnica - 2.10.2008 Ulladulla odmor - 30.12.2008


Mila Christening

Milino Krstenje - 9.11.2008. Milin website.


New Pictures in Galery

Izgradnja Crkve Sveti Prorok Ilija. Poseta do Italije.


More Pictures in Gallery

Travel around Europe whit BANE. Canberra car festival.


Sladjan Flickr Photos

This picture below has been taken using a Canon 450D. I have a Flickr album where you can see some of these pictures:…


More Pictures From East Serbia

Lazar’s canyon. Lazarev kanjon. Day one:…


New Business In Jasikovo - Privatni Biznis U Jasikovo

Novi i jedini servis u Boru za zamenu i opravku svih vrsta auspuha, za sve tipove automobila. Srecno i dobar biznis. Mob: 061 21 86 39…


Welcome Back From Holiday

Welcome back from holiday Ljuba and Tanja. Ljuba i Tanja, vracaju se sa odmora. Bice jos fotosa u Galery!


Autumn Market Day In Jasikovo - Jesenji Vasar U Jasikovo

Today is a the autumn market day in Jasikovo, it was raining all day. There wasn’t much to see due to the rain. Danas 5.10.2008 je Jesenji…


Kazan - Woodwork By Dule Djordjevic From Jasikovo - Rucni Rad Duleta Djordjevica Iz Jasikova

Kazan Woodwork By Dule Djordjevic From Jasikovo Rucni Rad Duleta Djordjevica Iz Jasikova


Deda Nikola And Deda Mita

Deda Nikola and Deda Mita


Happy Birthday Ljuba - Srecan Rodjendan Ljubo

Happy Birthday Deda from Mila, Tammy, Serge, Maya, Sam and Caki!!!!!!! Srecan rodjendan Ljubo, od Svetlane, Slavke, Sretena, Zorice, Sneze…


Reminder Important Dates - Podsetnik Vaznih Datuma

10/05 - Prolecni vasar u Jasikovo. 25/06 - Letnji vasar u Jasikovo. 02/08 - Seoska zavetina u Jasikovo. 09/08 - Lentji vasar u Jasikovo. 0…