
Vidovdan Council of Pensioners - Vidovdanski Sabor Penzionera

The Assembly of Pensioners of the Municipality of Majdanpek is being held in Jasikovo for the second time. I tried to paint enough photos for those who were not present to be able to see this Assembly.

The Congress of Pensioners, which was held for the first time in Jasikovo, was held on June 28, 1997. I have a video of that Parliament that I managed to transfer to a DVD lasting 2 hours and 20 minutes. Due to its size, it is very complicated to place on the premises.

If anyone is interested, I can send you a copy of the DVD by post. Feel free to contact me I will be glad.

Po drugi put se u Jasikovo odrzva Sabor Penzionera Opstine Majdanpek. Ja sam se potrudio da vam naslikam dovoljno fotosa, da bi za one koji nisu bili prisutni mogli da pogledaju ovaj Sabor.

Sabor Penzionera koji je odrzan po prvi put u Jasikovo bio je 28.06.1997 godine. Ja imam video snimak tog Sabora koji sam uspeo da prebacim na dvd u trajanju od 2 sata i 20 min. Zbog velicine veoma je komplikovano da se postavim na prostorima.

Ako nekoga bude zanimalo, ja mogu da vam posaljem kopiju DVD-ja postom. Slobodno se javite bice mi drago.